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How to excite the public to participate in quality improvement Translation of research to practice How does public know it was a good program  driven by science Need to make business case for the public Work of funders of IOM is not over yet; need to get their money s worth by development of action plans Complexity of defining outcomes  PPPPPP ?(  ,pP   0` 3ff` ` ___>?" dF@0?n2d@uK FA@ " d`  n?" dd@   @@``PR   @ ` `PBp>>8L0 %  ( = j2  B?   N(ugֳgֳ ?P  T Click to edit Master title style! !.  Hxgֳgֳ ?  RClick to edit Master text styles Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level!     S  Tx~gֳgֳ ?`p  D*  TȄgֳgֳ ?`   F*  TXgֳgֳ ?`@  F*N  6޽h? ? Default Design  08L0 % KC@ ( |  vB  N1?44j2  B?   Ngֳgֳ ?  . T Click to edit Master title style! !  Hgֳgֳ ?PP  . W#Click to edit Master subtitle style$ $  T1.gֳgֳ ?`p  D*  T|7.gֳgֳ ?`  . F*  T$;.gֳgֳ ?`@ . F*N  6޽h? ?   0 `X` ( K   c $DK. P   . Z* X   C    .    c $,O.  @ . 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