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Continuous community mental health surveillance with standardized measures 5. Share best practices in disaster mental health; repositories of  lessons learned 6. Unified leadership plan that is very transparent, chain of command for mental health - SAMHSA IZI ?Dark Blue Group: Strategies for disaster mental health response@@B1. Introduce MH module into training, include all representative stakeholders, have them begin to brainstorm. 2. Include print MH documents (brochures- what s normal?) in initial response, preparedness docs 3. Teach/implement crisis counseling, early safety needs= more positive mental health outcomes 3. Mental health surveillance and preparedness education through school systems 4. Share best practices - Safe spaces in shelters part for clients with mental health & substance abuse needs, special populations  go back to your own community and follow existing models, share best practices 5. Establish an incident command structure for Mental Health response JPMlHP   0` 3ff` ` ___>?" dF@0?n2d@uK FA@ " d`  n?" dd@   @@``PR   @ ` `PBp>>8L0 % bZ( = j2  B?   N3gֳgֳ ?P 3 T Click to edit Master title style! !.  H3gֳgֳ ? 3 RClick to edit Master text styles Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Fifth Level!     S  Tl3gֳgֳ ?`p 3 ^*  T|3gֳgֳ ?`  3 `*  Tx3gֳgֳ ?`@ 3 `*N  6޽h? ? Default Design  08L0 % @  ( |  vB  N1?44j2  B?   NAgֳgֳ ?   T Click to edit Master title style! !  H’gֳgֳ ?PP   W#Click to edit Master subtitle style$ $  TŒgֳgֳ ?`p  ^*  T6gֳgֳ ?`   `*  TNgֳgֳ ?`@  `*N  6޽h? ?   0 `X` ( K   c $] P    Z* X   C        c $`  @  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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Uniformity in training, uniform policy guidelines for signifi."System8-@Arial-. 2 vcant n.-@Arial-. g2  @practitioners/responders for preparedness, response to affected .-@Arial-. 2  area, and .-@Arial-. 2 ! immediate post.-@Arial-.  2 !)-z.-@Arial-. N2 !*/response follow up services to those responders.-@Arial-. g2 +@2. Uniform infusion of mental health concepts in disaster prepar.-@Arial-. 2 +} edness and .-@Arial-. d2 0 >response training, including general population and responders.-@Arial-. g2 :@3. Tie research on positive mental health outcome to early safet.-@Arial-. 2 :|y interventions .-@Arial-.  2 @ -z.-@Arial-. f2 @?Reduce stress and ambiguity through information (greatest strest.-@Arial-.  2 @s .-@Arial-. 02 D associated w/ not knowing .-@Arial-.  2 D@-z.-@Arial-. !2 DCLET PEOPLE know .-@Arial-.  2 Di-z.-@Arial-.  2 Djz.-@Arial-. '2 Dninformation empowers .-@Arial-. 2 H people)e.-@Arial-. g2 S@4. 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