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Quality outcomes should be inclusive of both systems and individuals and should be aligned through shared understanding of what comprises quality across and throughout the system. 6x Culture Recognizing everyone comes with a unique culture Being able to view and value another s culture How do we integrate culture into person centered planning Training Resources (culture and treatment) National Alliance for Multiethnic Behavioral Health 1/:+4b:+  4  Impact on the average behavioral healthcare organization Training in Person Centered Planning Ensuring consumer and family involvement and partnerships Measurement against both system and consumer outcomes Z9a89  Focus on impact or outcomes of services vs the mechanics of the process Learning to facilitate rather than control the process (W Impact on consumers No more  poor me! Taking responsibility for treatment and service needs and partnering with providers toward recovery Becoming expert advocates Ability to direct their own person centered planning process r=$    Impact on systems Ensuring the financial and manpower resources to facilitate Person Centered Planning and implementing evidenced based practices Provide required training and partnering opportunities Ensure diversity and acceptance of differences in people, processes, and outcomes hZZZTZZZ   RECOVERY IS WHAT THE CONSUMER DOES FACILITATING RECOVERY IS WHAT THE CLINICIAN DOES SUPPORTING RECOVERY IS WHAT THE SYSTEM AND COMMUNITY DOES,/ .  0` r77f3/Ʊ` fff` KfxP` 7_/U<ff` HghXs3q̙` WXcklugti~^ӤO` ־3f3f` 33^` J%xiff3>?" dd@,?nFd@  d nF@ d`nF n?" dd@   @@``PP   @ ` ` p>> pP(  p6 T ~ p "~ p c B@CW DEF"d@ W @W @W W @`".~ p c B,CW DEF"d@ W ,W ,@`". \ ~ p "~ p c B CDEF"@   @`"(4 p c B C DEF"d@ @`"(W4 p c BtC DEF"d@t t tt@`"~  p c B CDEF"@ @`"([4W  p c B CDEF"d@ @`"(4  p c B CDEF"2@  @`"(4[  p c BC DEF"d@ @`"_  p c BC DEF"@ @`" p c BC DEF"@  @`"\ p B ?"0F  T Click to edit Master title style! !$ p 0t "0  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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