Dili, East Timor…We would like to commend the people of Timor Lorosa'e for their massive and peaceful participation in the August 30 elections and congratulate the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and the United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET), which worked hard for an efficient and peaceful electoral process. Political party leaders, candidates, and supporters together with civil society organizations, actively participated in the democratic political process on a large scale. To this point, but with vote tabulation still ahead, we find that the elections meet international standards for freeness and fairness.
Summary of Findings:
Due to clear voter commitment to a peaceful vote, and the coordination of the Civilian Police (CIVPOL), the UN Peace Keeping Forces (PKF) and the work of Timorese polling officials and IEC staff, the security climate was calm, with no major incidents of violence or intimidation. Turnout was high and concentrated in the morning hours. Voter education seemed to have been successful, with the majority of voters understanding the mechanics of the voting process.
However, questions remain about the impact of civic education programs and capacity building for future elections. Many voters were unclear as to the specific purpose of the election. While Timorese polling officials were for the most part well prepared despite a brief training period, in some cases there was an absence of ownership of the process. Political party agents, widely present in all districts, varied in their understanding of the Code of Conduct and will need to be better informed in the future to play their essential role.
We were invited by UNTAET and welcomed by East Timorese political and civic leaders to observe this historic election. Our delegation consisted of 27 people representing nine countries. The delegation was led by US Representative Eni F. H. Faleomavaega, former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Sir Michael Somare, Director of Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ's Democracy Program Charles Costello, and Jeff Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ.
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà monitored the 1999 referendum balloting but was forced to leave after the wave of violence directed by Indonesian military forces. The Center re-established its field presence in East Timor in May 2001. In late June we began deploying long-term observers around the territory to monitor the pre-electoral environment. In the days prior to the August 30 vote, observers met with political party leaders at all administrative levels, IEC and UN officials, other international observer groups, domestic election observers, civil society representatives, and members of the local populace. The short-term observers and Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Center staff joined the long-term team on August 25.
Prior to the arrival of the short-term delegation, the Center issued one pre-election report on August 23 commenting on campaign activities, electoral preparations and the security situation in the territory. During the pre-election monitoring, the Center found that:
- Although there were serious technical problems in the production of the civil registry from which the voters roll was drawn, the IEC worked hard to ensure that all eligible voters would be able to cast a ballot. The Exhibition and Challenges period proved an important step in the process for identifying and addressing the problems.
- UNTAET's civic education programs started too late, leaving very little time before the elections for civic education teams to build a strong understanding of multi-party democracy and the political process.
- Political activity, including campaigns, proceeded smoothly for the most part and without serious incident. This was due in large part to the Pact of National Unity developed by the political parties themselves. Some parties, however, for a time used language that both voters and other parties found inflammatory and intimidating, and a few incidents were reported of threatening behavior on the part of political parties.
On election day, our delegation observed 49 polling centers in 12 districts. This preliminary statement covers initial findings from our observation on balloting day and the days immediately prior to the election. Observers reported no major irregularities and a relatively small number of minor irregularities. The teams' observations were as follows:
The delegation's overall sense of the electoral process was positive. Our observers were impressed by the IEC's commitment to ensuring a free and fair election. We also commend the poll workers, party agents, and domestic observers who worked long hours over the past few months to take advantage of this opportunity for an exercise in democratic self-government. The impressive degree of voter participation; the calm and overwhelmingly tranquil election day environment; self-restraint by established and fledgling parties - all these characteristics of the Timor Lorosa'e election provide a lesson in democratic conduct to countries in the Pacific region, and elsewhere, facing challenges to their own democratic commitment.
Two years after their vote for independence, East Timorese turned out in large numbers, almost 91%, to participate in the elections to elect the territory's first Constituent Assembly. This is a precedent setting event and the election will set the tone for the next phase of the transition. Building democracy requires more than a single event of an election, the East Timor people have much work ahead and it is important for UNTAET to consider the elections as one of many steps still required to fulfill its mandate. We will continue to monitor the counting and tabulation of votes in the days ahead as well as the constitutional drafting process, and the Center will publish a final and more comprehensive report by late September.
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